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// gform_X -> X = Form ID const gyFormId = 3; window.addEventListener(“load”, (event) => { const gyForm = document.getElementById(“gform_”.concat(gyFormId)); gyForm.addEventListener(“submit”, concatSalesforce); const gySubmitBtn = document.getElementById(“gform_submit_button_”.concat(gyFormId)); gySubmitBtn.addEventListener(“click”, concatSalesforce); async function concatSalesforce(event) { event.preventDefault(); const inputCompany = gyForm.querySelector(‘div.gy_sf_company input’); const inputName = gyForm.querySelector(‘div.gy_sf_name input’); const inputSurName = gyForm.querySelector(‘div.gy_sf_surname input’); const inputEmail = gyForm.querySelector(‘div.gy_sf_email input’); const inputDescription = gyForm.querySelector(‘div.gy_sf_description textarea’); inputDescription.value = “BLOG FORM\nSociete : ” + inputCompany.value + “\nNom : ” + inputName.value + “\nPrenom : ” + inputSurName.value + “\nEmail : ” + inputEmail.value; await updateDescription(); //gyForm.submit(); } function updateDescription() { return new Promise((resolve) => { resolve(); }); } });