ENGIE and GreenYellow create a company dedicated to the development of solar photovoltaic self-consumption for businesses and local authorities in France.


On Wednesday October 17, ENGIE and GreenYellow, a subsidiary of Casino, announced the creation of Reservoir Sun, in the presence of Isabelle Kocher, CEO of ENGIE, and Jean-Charles Naouri, Chairman of Groupe Casino. The company's mission is to accelerate the development of solar photovoltaic self-consumption in France for businesses and local authorities.

Reservoir Sun has been created, with the approval of the European competition authorities and the social partners, to boost solar photovoltaic self-consumption in France. Entirely dedicated to this activity and equally owned by ENGIE and GreenYellow, Reservoir Sun will specialize in the segment of solar power plants up to 1 MWp for businesses and local authorities. Target: 100 MWp per year, i.e. an average of almost 300 300 kWp per project.

This new player will make use of fatal roof and parking surfaces to produce green, local energy. 100 million euros will be invested each year in the medium-capacity market. This is the first time that a player has committed so many resources to promoting solar self-consumption among businesses and local authorities.

"Groupe Casino was the first retailer to invest in the development of photovoltaic solar energy. This partnership with ENGIE is a real boost, and shows just how visionary our intrapreneurial project, launched ten years ago at GreenYellow, really was", says Jean-Charles Naouri, Chairman of Groupe Casino.

For Isabelle Kocher, Chief Executive Officer of ENGIE, "the creation of Reservoir Sun is a fine illustration of our commitment to supporting all businesses and local authorities in the energy transition. This project also confirms the new dynamic of developing short energy circuits, in which the ENGIE Group has resolutely positioned itself."

The association of two leading players in the solar photovoltaic sector

ENGIE, France's leading solar power producer with 1,200 MW of installed capacity, also provides day-to-day support for 45,000 businesses, local authorities and condominiums in their energy transition via its Entreprises & Collectivités business unit. In addition to supplying energy, including green electricity offers for nearly fifteen years, ENGIE E&C offers its clients customers a range of environmentally-friendly offers and services to help them control their budgets, including turnkey photovoltaic installations.

GreenYellowa leader in self-consumption in the French retail segment, has developed recognized expertise in the photovoltaic market, with over 190 MW of power plants developed, built and in operation, and almost 1,000,000 m² of photovoltaic panels installed. The company is also an expert in energy efficiency: with over 1,500 Energy Performance Contracts (CPE) in operation worldwide, it has built up a solid understanding of the challenges of energy optimization, a decisive prerequisite for the construction of solar self-consumption solutions.

GreenYellow has established itself as the leading solar player in the self-consumption segment in France, as evidenced by the latest results from the Commission de Régulation de l'Energie (CRE) calls for tenders.

Reservoir Sun is headquartered in Marseille. To ensure that the company has a strong local presence and is as close as possible to its customers clients, 7 branches will be opened in Bordeaux, Toulouse, Valence, Montpellier, Avignon, Lyon and Paris. Some thirty employees from GreenYellow, ENGIE Entreprises & Collectivités, as well as external recruits, will be involved in the development of this ambitious new player.

Reservoir Sun will rely on a mixed and innovative team, expert in the development of decentralized solar energy production projects as well as in mastering the challenges of its future clients, particularly in the public tertiary, industry, health, retail and distribution sectors.

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