GreenYellow explores the possibility of an IPO to finance its growth ambitions

GreenYellow explores the possibility of an IPO to finance its growth ambitions

A natural step to accelerate the expansion of its decentralized platform model, serving the energy transition of its clients customers, in France and abroad.

In 2020, GreenYellow achieved a record year in terms of project deliveries and continued its geographic expansion with the opening of new countries such as Vietnam and South Africa.

In 2020, the company developed new photovoltaic power plants with a capacity of 117 MWp, representing a cumulative total of 334 MWp at December 31, 2020 (representing an increase of 54% compared with December 31, 2019), and energy efficiency projects with a volume of 62 GWh, representing a cumulative total of 846 GWh at December 31, 2020 (representing an increase of 9% compared with December 31, 2019).

In 2020, the company recorded EBITDA of €62 million[1], 52% of which was generated in France, 32% in South America, 14% in Africa and the Indian Ocean, and 2% in Southeast Asia.

The company has also enhanced its solutions platform with (i) a " Utilities as a Service "[2] offering, (ii) electric mobility, and (iii) an innovative photovoltaic offering with floating solar power.

GreenYellow is continuing its transition to an " infrastructure " model, with operators owning and operating their assets over the long term.

By way of illustration, GreenYellow recently signed two portfolio financing deals, for photovoltaic assets in Thailand and Burkina Faso, in partnership with major financial institutions. These deals testify to the Group's ability to build up a significant track-record in asset financing.

At March 31, 2021, its advanced pipeline of solar projects represented 720 MWp[3], with an additional pipeline of opportunities of 3.5 GWp3. At the same date, the advanced pipeline of energy efficiency projects amounted to an annual volume of 355 GWh, with an additional pipeline of opportunities of 870 GWh[4].

To accelerate the development of its model, combining decentralized energy production, energy efficiency and energy services, GreenYellow plans to invest, over the period 2021-2025, around 1.9 billion euros cumulatively, leading by the end of 2025 to an installed capacity of photovoltaic power plants of almost 2.3 GWp and energy efficiency projects for a volume of over 1,900 GWh annually.

These investments will fuel strong growth in EBITDA, which should be between €80 and €85 million by 2021. GreenYellow aims to achieve EBITDA of around €250 million by 2025.

Afin de financer son plan d’investissements, GreenYellow étudie différentes options de financement et a notamment décidé avec ses actionnaires d’explorer la possibilité d’une introduction en bourse sur Euronext Paris, sous réserve des conditions de marché et de l’obtention des autorisations réglementaires. L’opération serait composée notamment d’une augmentation de capital ; le Groupe Casino, actionnaire majoritaire de GreenYellow, ayant vocation à le rester.

"In a particularly buoyant market context for the energy transition, GreenYellow continues to accelerate its development and has very strong growth ambitions. An IPO would make a major contribution to financing our ambitions ," said Otmane Hajji, Chairman of GreenYellow.

About us GreenYellow

GreenYellow In the space of 14 years, we have become a major player in the energy transition in France and abroad, and a true ally of companies and local authorities in this field.

As an expert in decentralized solar photovoltaic production, energy efficiency projects and energy services, GreenYellow offers its clients customers a unique, global platform to make their energy transition a beneficial and committed reality.

At the end of March 2021, GreenYellow had developed 355 MWp of photovoltaic capacity, of which 184 MWp was equity interest, and nearly 2,600 Energy Efficiency Agreements (EEA) for an annual volume of 855 GWh, of which 511 GWh was equity interest, and was managing more than 2.9 TWh of energy for its clients.

GreenYellow is constantly enriching its offering, through innovation, to meet the needs of private and public sector players and support them in reducing their ecological footprint.

Operating in 16 countries on 4 continents, the company employs over 500 people worldwide.


Juliette Prost - +33 (0)6 72 47 53 28 -

Margaux Wacheux - +33 (0)6 75 62 26 41 -


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These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release, and GreenYellow expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements included in this press release to reflect any changes in assumptions, events, conditions or circumstances on which any such forward-looking statements are based. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are for illustrative purposes only.

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[1 ] 15% solar photovoltaic production, 39% energy efficiency and 46% energy supply and services

[2] Offer to replace and operate equipment that produces utilities (heat, cold, steam, etc.) and generate savings for customers. clients

[3] Including its joint ventures

[4] Energy efficiency projects include energy savings from Energy Efficiency Agreements (EEA) and utilities sold under " Utilities as a Service " contracts.

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