Our CSR policy | Corporate Social Responsibility...

...for a positive impact on our entire ecosystem

Discover the 5th edition of the GreenYellow CSR Report!

En 2023, GreenYellow confirme sa maturité RSE : Médaille d’Or Ecovadis depuis 2020, et renforce ses engagements ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) avec notamment la définition de trajectoires de neutralité carbone évaluées A- par le CDP, une féminisation de l’organisation qui s’approche des 40%, une culture HSE alignée aux standards européens et l’intégration de ses pairs sur une plateforme mutualisant les audits fournisseurs.

Ce nouveau rapport cristallise 17 ans d’engagements soutenus en faveur du développement durable. Il met en lumière nos actions concrètes réalisées à travers le monde et évaluées par des indicateurs clairs.

Nous y présentons dans le détail l’expression des 4 piliers de notre politique RSE :

#01 Acting responsibly towards the environment

#02 Supporting the development of local institutions and populations

#03 Establish sustainable, ethical and transparent partnerships

#04 Developing and enhancing our teams while ensuring their health and safety

With this fifth edition, we wish to continue the annual meeting with all our stakeholders that we have established over the last 5 years.


Download our 2023 CSR report

Download our CSR 2022 report

Download our 2021 CSR report

Download our 2020 CSR report

Download our 2019 CSR report



"Avoiding useless kWh, combined with locally produced green energy: such is our core business. We believe our operating model is robust and virtuous, and we use it every day to achieve our corporate responsibility. It is part of our mission to share the value we create with all our stakeholders, wherever we operate." 

Otmane Hajji, President of GreenYellow

GreenYellow, a committed Accelerator of the Energy Transition

Since its creation in 2007, GreenYellow has been committed to meeting the challenges of the energy transition - consuming less, consuming better! Our very DNA is imbued with environmental and societal responsibilities. Our dual vocation, economic and environmental, enables us to play an essential role as a key partner for our clients, suppliers and investors.

Au cours de ces 17 années d’activité et de croissance, la pertinence de notre approche a été confirmée. Nous privilégions un mix énergétique intelligent qui favorise la production locale d’énergies vertes tout en permettant des économies d’énergie.

At GreenYellow , we take great pride in being, in our own small way, ambassadors and players in a sustainable development project. Our teams see the future in the long term, which motivates them all the more to add their stone to the edifice of the energy transition.

In line with our commitment to protecting the environment and combating global warming, we are actively contributing to achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and in particular goals #7 (clean, affordable energy) and #13 (combating climate change).


Elaborated in 2019, our CSR policy is structured around 14 commitments grouped into 4 pillars:

Acting responsibly towards the environment

  • Support the fight against global warming (GHG reduction) and adaptation,
  • Contribute to the preservation of natural resources and biodiversity,
  • Promoting and encouraging environmental awareness

Committed to the prosperity of our teams

  • Fostering cohesion and promoting diversity,
  • Helping young people enter the job market,
  • Offer our collaborators dynamic career opportunities,
  • Promote a working atmosphere based on health, safety and well-being in our offices and on our sites

Supporting local communities and institutions

  • Interact with local and national institutions,
  • Promoting and preserving local culture and heritage,
  • Promoting local solidarity partnerships

Building transparent, trust-based partnerships

  • Encourage responsible energy consumption,
  • Reinforcing ethics and compliance throughout our value chain,
  • Ensure responsible sourcing and promote suppliers' CSR initiatives,
  • Inform our stakeholders about our CSR roadmap and results


  • Emissions évitées : En 2023, les projets d’énergie renouvelable et d’efficacité énergétique installés ont permis d’éviter l’émission de 585 000 tonnes de CO2 depuis sa création en 2007.
  • Engagement sociétal : 5 000 parties prenantes (adultes, enfants, internes, externes) ont été sensibilisées directement aux enjeux climatiques
  • Développement durable : Le groupe vise l’atteinte de l’objectif de neutralité carbone « Net Zero» pour les catégories 1 et 2 d’ici 2040.

POD14 - Our PodCasts dedicated to CSR

The GreenYellow CSR team has launched an initiative called POD14.

The GreenYellow CSR team, through its POD14 podcast series, aims to make Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) accessible to all, and inspire everyone to get involved in building a more responsible and sustainable future. 

With each edition, these podcasts allow you to deepen your knowledge of CSR in a fun and entertaining way. You'll discover the keys to taking action for the energy transition and encouraging your networks to join you, because we firmly believe that each and every one of us can become an ambassador for "Positive Change"!

Certified GreenYellow expertise 

At GreenYellow, our expertise is solid and certified by internationally recognized standards. We are proud to hold ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 certifications, as well as the EcoVadis Gold Medal for our CSR performance. 

These certifications and recognitions attest to our ongoing commitment to excellence, the environment and social responsibility.

At GreenYellow, we remain determined to maintain these high standards and to work as committed players for a more sustainable and responsible future. 

*ISO 9001 and 14001 certification for PV activities in France

  • ISO 9001 attests to our commitment to operational excellence and service quality. This standard enables us to maintain high standards in all aspects of our work, guaranteeing optimum satisfaction client .
  • With ISO 14001, we demonstrate our commitment to responsible environmental management. This certification testifies to our ability to identify and reduce our environmental impact, while fostering a culture of continuous improvement to preserve the planet.
  • The ISO 50001 standard confirms our effective approach to energy management. Thanks to this certification, we are optimizing our energy consumption and contributing to the transition to more sustainable, energy-efficient practices.
  • By being awarded the EcoVadis Gold Medal, an independent CSR assessment platform, we are demonstrating our commitment to corporate social responsibility. This distinction underlines our commitment to exemplary ethical, social and environmental practices.