Client Case energy services - Servair

Servair is a subsidiary of the Air France-KLM group and Gategroup, specializing in in-flight catering.

Project background

Concerned about the environment, aware thatenergy efficiency is an important lever in the energy transition, and wishing to optimize its costs, Servair was looking to combine lower energy consumption and reduced carbon impact.

With its #SHIFTEnergyServices offer, GreenYellow supports Servair in the energy monitoring of its production unit at La Réunion Roland Garros airport.

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Key points of the project

  • Meeting the requirements of the Tertiary Decree
  • Precise monitoring of energy consumption
  • Identifying consumption trends
  • Monitoring refrigeration operation
  • Personalized recommendations: advice and decision support
  • Identifying energy-saving opportunities
  • Overview and monitoring of site consumption (via installation of electricity meters; sensors; measuring equipment)
  • Consume less energy and reduce your carbon footprint
  • Contracttype : Energy services | Consumption monitoring
  • Number of sites: 1
  • Contractstart date: June 2022
  • Contract duration: 3 years

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