Photovoltaic solar self-consumption

Producing and consuming green, local, low-cost energy while making the most of unused space is within the reach of every company.

With SHIFTProduction, save on your energy bill thanks to solar photovoltaic self-consumption offers from GreenYellow.

What is self-consumption?

Energy self-consumption means consuming the energy you produce on site. This practice enables you to significantly reduce your electricity bill and dependence on energy suppliers, and to produce electricity to supply part of your company's needs.

Self-consumption is possible from a variety of renewable energy sources (wind, hydro, geothermal), but solar photovoltaics offers the most benefits for companies wishing to make an effective commitment to the energy transition and save money, and can cover from 20% to 40% of electrical needs.

How does it work?

The operation of a solar photovoltaic self-consumption system is based on 2 elements:

  • Photovoltaic panels
  • An inverter

Photovoltaic solar panels capture continuous sunlight and convert it into direct current. This current is then sent to the inverter, which transforms it into grid-compatible alternating current. This green electricity is then used to power the installations on the site where the energy is produced.

To increase your share of self-consumption, GreenYellow offers companies hybrid solar systems. This solution enables you to use the energy produced directly, and store the surplus energy produced in batteries that supply the installations during hours of low sunlight or at night. Daily monitoring of your solar plant system's efficiency and support from our technical team will also help you optimize your self-consumption rate.

Discover all photovoltaic solar solutions
of our #SHIFTProduction offer

Why opt for self-consumption?

Photovoltaic solar self-consumption offers significant economic benefits for your company. In addition to significantly reducing your energy purchases, self-consumption shelters you, in part, from fluctuations in the price of kWh and reinforces your energy self-sufficiency. Depending on the system you choose and the regulations in force, surplus energy can also be fed into the public grid and valorized.

With self-consumption, you also benefit from :

  • Local, green, self-consumed energy
  • Reducing your carbon footprint
  • Make the most of your unused space, with installations on roofs, in shaded areas, on the ground or on water points (e.g. retention basins).
  • Self-consumption bonus subject to eligibility conditions
  • Improving your CSR image

How can you generate electricity with solar power?

The versatility of the solar photovoltaic systems offered by GreenYellow as part of its SHIFTProduction offer means that we can provide customized solutions and tailor-made for all businesses, whatever their sector of activity. Agricultural land, commercial or industrial buildings, any site with unused, sun-exposed surfaces can benefit from a solar energy production system that enables self-consumption*.

Solar Floating

If you don't have ground surfaces, this photovoltaic solar energy production solution can be installed on floating structures on a body of water. Lake or retention basin can be valorized and become a source of renewable energy production for your company.

Self-consumption solar photovoltaic installations on floating structures offer numerous economic and environmental advantages. In addition to reducing your energy bill, floating solar power allows you to :
  • Easier assembly and disassembly
  • Water savings through reduced evaporation
  • A simpler cooling system
  • Controlling algae growth in your ponds

Solar Carport

Umbrellas are structures that produce solar energy while providing shade and protecting vehicles and users from bad weather. They add value to your parking lots. Installing a photovoltaic shade structure on one of your sites can enable you to self-generate between 20% and 40% of your energy needs.

Solar Rooftop

Add value to the roofs of your sites by installing a solar plant photovoltaic system and reduce your energy consumption. Installed on the roofs of your real estate assets, rooftop solar power plants produce green, local energy to power your electrical installations.

Solar Farm

Accessible to all companies under certain conditions, ground-mounted solar farms can be installed on large plots of land or in retention basins. Covering up to several hectares, solar farms can increase your share of self-consumption, reduce your energy bills and cut your CO2 emissions by producing green energy dedicated to powering your sites.

Ground-mounted farms can also be set up on cultivated land, producing low-cost solar energy while protecting crops, a process known as agrivoltaics.

Each solar photovoltaic supply can be used for direct consumption, coupled with a storage system (battery) for later use.

How to size a solar installation for self-consumption?

As with any successful energy transition project, the deployment of a solar plant self-consumption system begins with an audit to assess your energy profile and define the power required. The sizing of your solar installation will also depend on the level of sunshine in your region, the surface area available and the technical characteristics of the operating area.

The experts at GreenYellow will support you from A to Z for successful self-consumption solar installation projects:

  • Feasibility analysis and project development
  • Obtaining licenses
  • Design of technical aspects
  • Construction and installation of the solar plant
  • Commissioning
  • Energy production guarantee
  • Plant maintenance

Once solar plant has been installed, GreenYellow provides daily monitoring of solar plant 's effectiveness, as well as on-site and remote technical support.

Photovoltaic solar self-consumption is an opportunity for businesses. Adaptable to all business sectors, self-generation of energy enables you to save on your energy bill and make the most of your unused space. As an expert in photovoltaic solar solutions, GreenYellow can support you from A to Z in the realization of your self-consumption projects tailor-made and turnkey solutions for a successful energy transition.

* In accordance with local regulations.

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